Books I’ve Edited


Alligator Tears
Author of High-Risk Homosexual Edgar Gomez's Alligator Tears, a darkly comic memoir about growing up poor in Florida, which rejects the myth of being “the right kind” of poor Brown person to achieve the American Dream and instead argues for doing whatever it takes—from catfishing to sex work to buying veneers with money he doesn't have—to redefine what a “rich life” looks like.

Untitled on Public Defense
Former public defender and co-founder of Partners for Justice Emily Galvin-Almanza’s insider narrative account of how twisted our legal system has become, and a clarion call to strengthen public defense and center the humanity of both the people ensnared in criminal court and those who wield its power.

I Came Here to Make Friends
Comedian, TikTok personality, and former model Sarah Hartshorne's I Came Here to Make Friends, a behind-the-scenes look at the author's time as a contestant on America's Next Top Model and a deep dive into its uniquely destabilizing methods to conjure “reality,” as well as how the show shaped the reality TV landscape and influenced a generation of young people.

Everything is Material
Assistant Professor in Archaeology at Leiden University Maikel Kuijpers’s EVERYTHING IS MATERIAL, a major new history of humankind explored through our relationship with the materials that shape the modern world—wood, soil, brick, steel, concrete, glass, plastic, and fertilizer—which makes the case that a sustainable future depends on how we live with materials.

I’ve been involved in the editorial development and publication of these books: